> 文章列表 > 元宵灯会元宵佳节吗英语



中译英>>> 元宵灯会译成英文_作业帮

The translation of \"元宵灯会\" into English is \"Lantern Festival\". The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is a time for families to come together, enjoy the beautiful lantern displays, eat tangyuan (sweet rice dumplings), and participate in various activities such as guessing riddles and lion dances.

【\"元宵节\"英语怎么说? \"汤圆\"英语呢?还有\"花灯节\"、“猜灯谜...-

The translation of \"元宵节\" into English is \"Lantern Festival\". \"汤圆\" is translated as \"tangyuan\", which refers to the traditional sweet rice dumplings eaten during the Lantern Festival. \"花灯节\" can be translated as \"Decorative lantern stanza\". \"猜灯谜\" is translated as \"Guess the riddle\". \"舞狮\" is translated as \"give a lion dance\".

Spring Festival是什么意思

The English phrase \"Spring Festival\" refers to the Chinese traditional festival known as the \"春节\" (Chun Jie) or Lunar New Year. It is a time of great celebration and marked as the beginning of the lunar calendar year in Chinese culture. This festival is often referred to as the Chinese New Year and is celebrated with various customs and traditions, including family reunions, the exchange of red envelopes (hongbao), and the setting off of fireworks.


During the Lantern Festival, people enjoy visiting lantern exhibitions and taking part in various festive activities. The translation of \"灯会\" into English is \"Lantern Festival\". As for the question of which brand of lanterns is the best, it depends on personal preferences. There are numerous lantern brands available, each offering their own unique styles and designs. Some popular brands include XYZ Lanterns and ABC Lanterns, known for their intricate craftsmanship and vibrant displays.


The English translation for \"猜灯谜\" is \"Guess the riddle\" and for \"赏花灯\" it is \"Admire the lanterns\". During the Lantern Festival, one of the traditional activities is guessing riddles written on lanterns. These riddles often require creative thinking and knowledge of cultural references. Admiring the lanterns is another important aspect of the festival, as people gather to appreciate the beautiful and intricate designs of the lantern displays.

元宵节用英语怎么说? - 淼馨予 的回答

The English translation for \"元宵节\" is \"Lantern Festival\". So, the phrase \"元宵节用英语怎么说?\" can be translated as \"How do you say \'元宵节\' in English?\". I hope this helps! Have a great time celebrating the Lantern Festival!


The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China with a long history and magnificent culture. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month and marks the end of the Lunar New Year celebrations. The festival is known for its vibrant lantern displays, delicious tangyuan, and various traditional activities such as lion dances and guessing riddles. It is a time for families to come together, enjoy the festivities, and create lasting memories.


1. The translation for \"元宵节晚会\" is \"Lantern Festival party\". It is a lively and joyous event held during the Lantern Festival, filled with performances, lantern displays, and various cultural activities.2. The translation for \"春节联欢晚会\" is \"Spring Festival Gala\". This is a highly anticipated and widely watched television program that airs annually on the eve of the Lunar New Year. It features a variety of performances, including traditional Chinese music, dance, comedy sketches, and celebrity appearances.


Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is one of the most important festivals in China, marking the end of the Lunar New Year celebrations. The festival is known for its colorful lantern displays, joyful lion dances, and the delicious tangyuan. It is a time for families to come together, enjoy the festive atmosphere, and pray for good fortune and blessings in the coming year.


The English translation for \"元宵节\" is \"Lantern Festival\". It is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. During this festival, people gather to admire beautifully decorated lanterns, solve riddles, and enjoy the festive atmosphere. It is a time of joy, reunion, and celebration for families and friends.