> 文章列表 > 有关春节的成语及寓意英文





一帆风顺: Wish you smooth sailing and every success, just like a sailboat gliding smoothly with the wind. May all your endeavors go smoothly in the new year! To achieve great success and have a smooth journey in all aspects of life, just like a sailboat sailing smoothly with the wind.

名列前茅: Always come first in examinations and be at the top. May you excel in everything you do and always be at the forefront of success. Just like being at the top of the list, may you achieve outstanding results and stand out from the crowd.

鹏程万里: Have a bright future and soar to great heights. May your journey be long and prosperous, just like the flight of a soaring eagle. To have a bright and promising future, just like an eagle soaring high in the sky, achieving great accomplishments and reaching new heights.

风和日丽: Enjoy nice weather with gentle breeze and bright sunshine. May you have pleasant and sunny days ahead, just like a beautiful day with a gentle breeze and bright sunshine. To have a peaceful and sunny day, with a gentle breeze and warm sunshine, creating a positive and vibrant atmosphere.


大吉大利: May you have great prosperity and good luck. Wishing you great success and good fortune, just like the saying \"big auspiciousness, big prosperity.\" To have great prosperity and good luck, bringing abundance and fortune to your life.

恭喜发财: May you be happy and prosperous. Wishing you congratulations and wealth, just like the traditional Chinese New Year greeting \"may you be happy and prosperous.\" To wish you happiness and prosperity, bringing joy and wealth into your life.

春节快乐: Happy Spring Festival. Wishing you a joyful and festive Spring Festival, filled with happiness and celebrations. To have a joyful and lively Spring Festival, with laughter and happiness, celebrating the arrival of the new year.


名词: 春节Spring Festival, 过年Chinese New Year, 红包Red Envelope, 鞭炮Firecracker, 春联Spring Couplets.

形容词: 喜庆的Festive, 热闹的Lively, 欢乐的Joyful, 灿烂的Splendid, 快乐的Happy.

动词: 庆祝Celebrate, 欢度Enjoy, 祝福Bless, 拜年Pay a New Year visit, 放鞭炮Set off firecrackers.


单词: 剪纸Paper-cuts, 年画New Year Paintings, 鞭炮Firecrackers, 团圆饭Family Reunion Dinner, 春联Spring Couplets, 红包Red Envelope, 烟花Fireworks, 除夕New Year\'s Eve, 祈福Pray for Blessings, 祭祖Ancestor Worship.

祝福语: 祝你新年快乐,万事如意!(Wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best!) 春节快乐,恭喜发财!(Happy Spring Festival and may you be prosperous!) 年年有余,万事如意!(May you have surplus year after year and all your wishes come true!) 恭贺新禧,阖家幸福!(Congratulations and best wishes for a happy and harmonious family!) 祝福您新年身体健康,事业成功!(Wishing you good health and success in your career in the new year!) 祝福你在新的一年里心想事成,万事如意!(Wishing you all your dreams come true and everything goes well in the new year!) 新年快乐,吉祥如意!(Happy New Year and may everything go well!) 身体健康,万事如意!(Wishing you good health and all the best!) 祝贺你新年快乐,事业腾飞!(Congratulations on a happy new year and successful career!) 祝你马到成功,迎来旺年!(Wishing you immediate success and a prosperous new year!)


一) Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It\'s to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s new year and to bid farewell to the old year, symbolizing a new beginning and hope for a better future.


Food names: 年糕Nian-gao; Rice Cake, 团圆饭Family Reunion Dinner, 年夜饭The New Year\'s Eve Dinner, 饺子Dumplings, 春卷Spring Rolls, 象征吉利的食物Symbolic Lucky Foods.


The New Year celebrating activities will last about half a month. 春节是中国最重要的传统节日,庆祝活动将持续大约半个月。It is based on the lunar calendar and falls on January 1st. 它基于农历,在每年的1月1日庆祝。It is a time for family reunions, feasts, fireworks, and cultural traditions. 春节是家庭团聚、盛宴、烟花和文化传统的时刻。The festival is filled with joy, blessings, and hopes for the coming year. 这个节日充满了喜悦、祝福和对新年的希望。It is a time to honor ancestors, pay respects to the gods, and bring good luck for the whole year. 这是一个向祖先致敬、敬拜神祗、祈求整年好运的时刻。


1. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival is celebrated with dragon dances and the sound of gongs and drums. People sing and dance to welcome the auspicious dragon, hoping for a year of favorable weather. After that comes the time for sowing with the sound of cuckoos. The countryside is covered in gentle rain. During this time, people wear festive clothes, set off firecrackers, and celebrate the arrival of spring.

【关于春节方面的英语故事,介绍等。(Spring Festival)如果有翻...】

The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year and is a time for family reunions, feasts, and cultural traditions. Each year is associated with an animal from the Chinese zodiac, and 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. People decorate their homes with red lanterns and couplets, children receive red envelopes with lucky money, and there are dragon and lion dances in the streets. It is a time to honor ancestors, pay respects to gods, and wish for good fortune and prosperity in the coming year.


年糕: Rice Cake or New Year Cake; 饺子: Dumpling or Chinese Meat Ravioli; 水饺: Boiled Dumplings; 蒸饺: Steamed Dumplings; 团圆饭: Family Reunion Dinner; 年夜饭: New Year\'s Eve Dinner; 春联: Spring Couplets; 祭祖: Ancestor Worship; 红包: Red Envelope; 烟花: Fireworks.